Thanks for confirming my suspicions about what SORT of person I am dealing-with, here!
Perhaps I might ask you something to illustrate your.... how shall I put this.....mental capacity for consistency?
You state that BECAUSE we only have a LIMITED understanding of climate 'mechanisms' that we cannot be CERTAIN about 'what does what and how'! That position WOULD be reasonable if you applied it to ALL other matters..... let's see HOW consistent you are......
Do you use a computer (rhetorical!)? Do YOU personally have any CONCEPT of how the transistors WORK on the 'chip' in that computer? Do you BELIEVE that even the DESIGNERS of that chip have a FULL grasp of EXACTLY what the Electrons involved are doing? Do you DREAM that ANY 'scientist' has a PROPER grasp of what an Electron actually IS? Trust me: the do NOT!
I won't walk you through the rest but I'll give you the 'kernal' of the points being listed:-
Do you ever take Aspirins? Do you us a mobile phone? Do you ever eat honey (supplied by Bees who fly)? Do you drive a car which has ANY 'aerodynamic' considerations in it?
I could go on and on with that list (and will do if you insist.......) but I suspect that I do not NEED to!
However, I would be VERY remiss not to mention the KILLER example:-
Do you EVER believe the weather forecast? By that I mean that, if the weather man tells you that you will have BLIZZARDS today, do you IGNORE him and get dressed into your Speedos? Or, if he predicts a heatwave, do you ALWAYS go and get your thermal underwear? You will note, I am SURE, that those are rhetorical questions!
The 'common denominator' is that NOBODY understands the 'science/physics/chemistry' at the CORE of each of those examples....... and yet...... we might JUST notice that failure to understand the 'core' does NOT preclude you from relying upon THOSE items.... However, it does when it comes to 'climate change'...... how strange!
Perhaps we ought to look for a DIFFERENT common denominator which make YOU decide between them..... it wouldn't just happen to be that you WANT to do/use the things which you DO choose to accept but that you DON'T want to change your actions to save the planet?
You WILL try to claim that we know MORE about some of those things than we do about the climate..... the claim will be FARCICAL of course, becasue you DO believe the weathermen and they are the ones who claim to know about Climate Change TOO!
You will, of course, claim otherwise.... the rest of us know the T*R*U*T*H about your LUDICROUS CLAIM!