So......... if it has no emmisions, it can't be USING fuel (or else, wher does that fule GO?). Therefore, it will never need topping up with ANYTHING..... that HAS to be right.... doesn't it???? You even point out that they re-condense the water BACK into the tank! Wouldn't that imply that , although they get the WATER back into the tank that the PETROL has disappeared or does the petrol REMAIN in the 'water'? Does it TOO get re-condensed or does it get USED.....???
So, if it doesn't use any fuel of ANY sort, then why do they need to top it up? Why do they SAY it uses WATER as fuel? Or do you imaging they are making the slightly more dificult concept of matter CONVERSION (ie., from matter to energy)...... because ....... if it DOES manage that, then I think you really ought to stay away from it becasue THAT is nuclear FISSION.... and you don't like that technology, do you?