OK.... tell us EXACTLY how you suggest those things are done!
Pay for your Health Care? You mean like a young friend of mine who was BADLY (life threateningly) injured in a ski-ing accident. He was 'attended' by the paramedics (ambulance) but they would NOT treat him or even PICK HIM UP until someone went through his pockets (he was unconcious) to find his INSURANCE FORMS! THAT's the sort of 'health service' you'd like.... is it? If Nick had left his papers in the hotel or had LOST them in the ski0ing accident.... he'd have been DEAD..... under YOUR system!!
Or would you like one that states that those who have LOST THEIR JOB (between 10 and 15% by the end of this recession) should have NO HEALTH CARE because some TW*T at a P*R*I*V*A*T*I*S*E*D B*A*N*K gambled the money INVESTED from the INSURANCE PAYMENTS AND LOST IT!!! Is THAT what you suggest?
Or where some poor abandoned wife, whose husband has STOPPED paying the health insurance cannot get LIFE SAVING health care for HER OR HER KIDS? Is THAT what you fancy?
Because ALL those things HAPPEN in the 'Land of the Free' where they HAVE the system you are suggesting....... and it DOESN'T WORK! The poor and stupid .... DIE!
And tell me EXACTLY how long it would take me to DEFEAT your 'speed limited' on a Caterham, or and early Elan or even my Subaru? And then EXACTLY what do the Police DO to CATCH me after I have armed-robbed a bank?
Davy.... you only imagine these ideas will work when you are PROTECTED by a DECENT Police Force and a MAGNIFICANT Armed Force and your kids are kept alive by a HARD WORKING NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE!
All of those systems have SERIOUS problems.....BUT...... it would be a BILLION times W*O*R*S*E without them!
Fight to make them EFFICIENT, don't KILL them!