"We should NEVER put the lives of our military personnel in harm's way for anything less than the defence of our nations. Never !"
It's those sort of things that drive me MAD!
I simply don't think you thought it through. Let's test you:-
Your position is akin to saying, 'if I saw a woman being attacked in the road, so long as they were not attacking ME, I'd just walk on bye'.
Well...... would you? Are you SURE you mean that? I don't think you DO!
In 1939, if Germany had NOT been threatening to invade Britain but was doing EVERYTHING ELSE that we know of, are you STILL saying that we should NOT have stood against Hitler? That would make it that the Ameroicans were WRONG to come to our aid in 1941.... are you SURE about that?
Should we REALLY have left Milosevic and the other ****S to massacre the Bosnians? He was NO threat to us... was he?
If you answer the way you CLAIM that you will, then that places you with the Swiss in 1939. I have greater DIGNITY and greater belief in standing up for what is RIGHT than did the Swiss. Perhaps you don't! I don't actually BELIEVE you!
Put simply, I AM my brother's keeper. I have a DECENT democratic way of life and that requires that we act to HELP OTHERS get that... where physically possible.