First thing to do is contact the seller about non-delivery and wait a reasonable time for delivery, maybe upto 10 working days (Ebay/Paypal won't do anything under this time), also contact your local Royal Mail sorting office.
If the item still has not arrived contact the seller again and tell them the item has still not arrived and you want a full refund for non-delivery. Don't take any nonsense, as the seller is responsable for delivery from them to you. If the seller is unwilling to make a full refund, then put the item into dispute for non-delivery, you'll get your money back from PayPal. Make sure you dispute before the time limit though.
Tip... Never buy high value items off ebay if the item delivery is not fully insured i.e. Special Delivery or similar. A good seller would not count on ordinary post to deliver such items.
Also always, check the sellers selling history. If they are selling new high value items, make sure they have a good history for those items or similar, not lots of unrelated low value items.