Oh.... I agree wholeheartedly about my spelling and my Typos (not the same, of course!)!
That's NOT the point, though! It's a pet hate, the use of THAT wrong word! It's like the mis-use of 'Alternate' when the writer means 'alternatIVE'. Or people saying 'a damp squid' when it is a SQUIB! Damn it, ALL squids are damp! Those ones drives me SPARE! (5 separate friends said 'damp squid' to me on Saturday....... ARGHHHHH!)
On the more important point.....
You keep trying that argument and it simply does NOT wash! You say, 'life without FREEDOM isn't a life'. You do that carefully trying to disguise that you DON'T mean it! You do NOT want the freedom to shout 'Fire' in a crowded theatre! Nor do you want the freedom to rob, rape and murder whom you wish! You keep trying to use 'absolutes' on only ONE side of the discussion! That's plain CHEATING!
All Govt.s restrict freedom... what did you THINK the word 'GOVERN' actual meant? It's from the concept of CONTROL! You can ONLY govern by restricting freedoms which cause damage to others.
The Right to ABSOLUTE privacy is NOT possible and we were a LONG way down the road of giving up absolute freedoms LONG before this century!
You are trying to use an argument akin to claiming that you can be PARTIALLY a 'virgin'!
Once you accept ANY restriction on 'freedom' you CANNOT claim the 'moral highground' inherrent within the 'declamation' of : 'Life without freedom is NOT life!'! That's plain POSING!
At worst, we ONLY disagree on the DEGREE of restriction of freedom!