Ian you have missed the whole point of the post and just focused on jade
different reglions, different cultures need different versions of a common sense message
some people respond to knowledge, some respond more to "role models /anti role models"
you have your ideals but not everyone lives by them or understands them....bit like your latin quote
but we can either live by your ideals and all that dont are cast into hell and the flames that go with it ( which has a wiff of extreme belief) or look at ways to get a simple message to everyone at risk
how do you get the message about smear tests to certain people in society, you use someone they can relate to
smear tests, underage sex, drug abuse etc, you can put out all the info but means more if the people it is targeted at can have empathy with the person/persons saying it
its not about if it fits with mine or your ideals, its about if it works, unless you want to exclude people outside of your ideals
yes money has been made, same as John Suchet is doing at the moment and the already mentioned Terry Pratchett, both are using their star status to bring to the publics attention something that doesnt without them get the press it deserves, jade is doing the same but to a different "market" and is the reason you couldnt
as for my text speak, just stupid,think most of us on here understand english, so no point switching languages..only did it to show how pointless your post was
as always welcome your response