If that WAS the case, I'd support it. However, it usually isn't.
Our language is already the most 'compact' on the planet. By that I mean you can condense the MOST subtle meanings using the least words and letters of ANY language.
Taking 'compaction' further starts to LOSE the meaning of the message. In SO many cases, all it does is make the meaning confused or ambiguous. Look at your own message. Its lack of punctuation can lead to HUGE confusions.
Taking one 'sentence':-
"Next thing people are actually going to start saying the phrases"
Do we rea that as:
"Next, thing phrases..."
"Next thing, phrases...."
"next thing phrases, ...."
Each of those have different meanings, simply USING the comma tells us WHAT you wanted it to mean!
The classic has to be:-
"the panda eats shoots and leaves"
So, without something simple like a comma, what on EARTH does THAT MEAN? Was the panmda carrying a GUN? Now remove half the words and spellings (as in text speak) and what have you got???? Confusion!