I know you've been kind trying to help me with the Mac problem and it really IS appreciated but.....
You KEEP doing the 'emperor's new clothes' thing!
The reason I drive (for example) an Impreza rather than a Kia Pride is NOTHING to do with the LOOKS of it. I pay for the parts of the vehicle's 'existence' which CANNOT be equalled by the Kia. The Impreza doe the JOB better! It takes me where I want to go in more comfort, with more power and more space, more reliabilty, it NEVER gets stuck in the snow, it helped me pull a LORRY out of the mud in our garden recently! It does things that the Kia CANNOT do!
So... does it LOOK better than the Kia..... if you've seen inside or outside an Impreza you'll KNOW that answer. If anything, the Kia looks BETTER!
It's the reason I WON'T buy a Big Audi which has similar performance to the Impreza (but NEVER equal). It's because I would be paying HUGE amounts extra so that I LOOK COOL! And NOTHING else!
Whereas YOU....
Just tell me the ADVANTAGES of the MacBook which DOUBLES it's cost but AVOIDS the concept of 'look and feel'!
Paying DOUBLE for a Portable that does LESS and does what it does BADLY SOLELY becasue of the BLING seems pretty bizarre to me.
How are we SUPPOSED to see the difference between buying an Apple JUST becasue it LOOKS nice from that poor old Emperor who was ALSO sold on HYPE!
Of course, it's YOUR choice and you should be encouraged to make any choice you wish. Just PLEASE don't tell us that the MacBook is BETTER at being a COMPUTER than a similarly priced PC. Just be HONEST about it.... it does the job YOU want and was worth paying (vastly) more for you becasue it looks COOL!
.... as do Jimmy Choo shoes......
As I couldn't look 'cool' in a FREEZER... it doesn't impress me! You may look good with it... I'd look better with a paper bag over my head!