I see you have a problem reading and THAT is what makes you a Mac person......
I said I had SEARCHED other sites:-
Here are some exmples:-
My wording was less than perfect.... by: 'this is not the only SITE' I have asked, I meant that this wasn't the only 'place' I had asked. If I had asked NO one else, your implication WOULD be valid. It isn't becasue I have asked of other network consultants, offices who RUN Macs, other Mac 'consultants'. I can see that my statement IS ambiguous but it is still 100% accurate.
I will happily take a recommendation from you as to which site/forum page that I should 'ask'. I will be DELIGHTED to hear the answer even though the customer (of my client) has returned to Italy with her MacBook over a week ago! I doubt this will be the LAST time I meet the problem (as it also isn't the FIRST time) if some other poseur other turns up with yet ANOTHER MacBook. My client is ready to BAN the use of them in her facility! Top avoid amiguity, formally to tell her customers that she will offer NO support for Mac connectivity!