Those of us who HAVE looked at the revenue generation KNOW that it is NOT a large money spinner! It CAN be made to generate income but the levels are SMALL in comparison to the investment! You simply don't have a CLUE about the COSTS involved! If you thought for one MOMENT about the VAST costs of ANY case that is CONTESTED you'd start to understand the COSTS involved! The sums of money CHARGED as 'costs' to a defendent who LOSES at court doesn't even START to pay the utilities bill of the court for the day!
Why SHOULD I be surprised that some of you are 'experts' on a subject about which you know NOTHING?
For those who DON'T know, I have been involved with a scheme to PRIVATISE the issuing and collection of speeding fines! I KNOW the figures!
An ounce of sense will tell you that this scheme is NOT about revenue, saving lives or CHANGING anything... it is about being seen to have PRETENDED to do something without spending ANY money on the subjest. It's called SPIN!