Not in the SLIGHTEST but spurious!
There ARE idiots out there who ARE claiming some of those arguments EXACTLY like the 'Clarksons' of this world do.....Americans and 'gun's being the PERFECT example.
You are placing yourself in THEIR camp with the similarly LUDICROUS claim that 'Speed does not kill'!
You are right, I do NOT claim that cars spontaneously crash..... any more than YOU are going to claim that guns spontaneously murder people! I, TOO, have sped (err... speeded....) and not killed anyone. I have ALSO carried shotguns, machine guns and hand guns and have ALSO not killed people! For precision, I HAVE also taken 'heroin' (morphine, being the medical name for that stuff) and I have NOT been killed by it! I have probably even met 'mad AXE' murderers and wasn't killed (my family were aquanited with the Krays.... and I have accidentally been partners with a member of a certain Sicilian family.... and HE didn't kill me, either)., For wife met THE most famous killer in the UK...... and survived!
In ALL of those example, I have shown that my claims are JUST as 'non-spurious' as 'yours'!
Yes... speed limits ARE crude..... as is the ban on carrying hand guns, heroin, and being allowed to swing axes while walking through Tescos.....
When you want to lift THOSE bans (axes in tescos, posession of ALL classes of heroin derivatives, and hand guns) then I'll understand your point.... until then.....
Next ************
Please explain the 'speed doesn't kill' point where the IDENTICAL accident/error occurs at 15mph WITHOUT killing anyone but when the identical accident occurs at 71mph, deaths ensue. Don't cheat! Simply pick ANY rear-end-shunt at 15mph and extrapolate the injuries derived at 71mph! This, TOO, is A 'NO-BRAINER'!
No one is DENYING that you CAN have 71mph rear-end accidents that ARE survivable and that the OCCASIONAL rear-ender kills at 15mph. However, in MOST of the cases where the ONLY difference is the SPEED... there is a VASTLY higher chance of death if the accident occurs at 71mph than at 15mph! That's simply PHYSICS! In THAT case, it was PURELY the SPEED which killed!
No one is claiming that 71mph KILLS on every occasion any more than OWNING a gun causes DEATHS! However, NOT owning a gun AND NOT exceeding 70mph SIGNOFICANTLY REDUCES the chances of deaths!
My whole point is that the claim 'speed doesn't kill' is TRIPE! All I have to do is to give you ONE example where it's happened to PROVE the statement is TRIPE!
.... you know me by now and you SHOULD know that I DO have that example! It's long and I WILL re-publish it...... if you INSIST on your silly claim!
Leave such daft claims to idiots like Clarkson! Like almost EVERYTHING he says, it's a sad and PATHETIC generalisation born out of ignorance of the FACTS of the subject!!