On the A77, between Ayr and Girvan, there are SPECS cameras for a distance of 28 miles and they certainly have made a positive impact. I have driven that stretch of road, pre & post SPECS, and say that, since their introduction, the driving experience has been MUCH MORE relaxed. There have been instances where the testosterone fueled driver has speeded passed me, hopefully getting booked, only for me to cruise up behind them ten to fifteen minutes later. What did they achieve? Hopefully a big dent in their bank balances and many points on their licence. The cost of implementing that series of SPECS cameras was around �775,000, which is cheap when you consider the costs relating to a traffic fatality is around the �250,000 mark. There has been a serious reduction in the number of accidents due to the introduction of these cameras. So that has just got to be GOOD! It is not about revenue generation from dishing out penalties, but about saving lives, which actually saves money.
The stretch of the A14, as mentioned by Itpro, used to be a nightmare at practically any time of day. Now, I have found that my use of expletives regarding other drivers, and probably them against me, have reduced to a minimum when driving down that stretch of cariageway. It's nice to arrive at your destination relaxed and ready to go, rather than being stessed out. What do those signs say? Oh yes, "It's better to arrive late than be dead!"