We're back to symantics again ! What do you consider the meaning of this sentence to be
" I am unable to look at scenes of starving children in distress on TV "
Is it :
1] " I am unwilling to look at scenes of starving children in distress on TV "
2] " I am incapable of looking at scenes of starving children in distress on TV "
I'm assuming you've chosen number 1] right ?
Unable can encompass unwilling.
Now back to your point on the capabilities and the will of drivers on the road. I think you'll find that there are people who are persistently incapable of adhering to speed limits and there are also people who are persistently unwilling to. They are in the minority though. There are also people who are occasionally incapable and occasionally unwilling. I think you'll find that this latter group accounts for a significant percentage of the motoring public, including, by admission, yourself ! This is a strong reason for removing the responsibility from the motoring public completely and using speed limiters/governors instead. We're full circle again.
I await torrent back over the fence :-)