Why is it that everyone seems to be concentrating these days on the ONE SPEEDING driver and leaving aside the ONE SLOW driver, the one doing 25-30 in 60 zone when everyone is trying to get to work? Just because he/she isn't awake, or hasn't put the make-up on yet? I reckon that ONE SLOW driver is causing more problems than the 20-30 around him trying to get on! You might not solve the jams with one driver doing 250 but if everyone would (or could) I bet you the streets would be clear in minutes! BTW, only using 250 because you did! And before you have a go at that one as well, I'll say just two words: Bullet Train!
I didn't avoid the point about the blanket ban Ian, just simply had to go and do a 300mls round trip to Wokingham. I will address it at a later date when I've had time to think and type. I'll just say this for now: why is it that given the same roads, the same speed limits (same blanket bans) two different journeys at different times of the day have hugely different average speeds? Should that not reflect the fact that speed limits (blanket bans) ought to be flexible and allow for empty roads at night/weekends/school-holidays? In the same way that a traffic light can be switched off and save money/electricity/planet when there are no vehicles about?
Now I'm off to bed. Dan
PS. I don't need JC to formulate my opinions about what is or isn't working on the roads. Unlike yourself I don't have time for reading useless statistics, I'm too busy staring in the back of the car in front! I do enough mileage every day to be able to see it all for myself what does or doesn't work! See above! PPS. I wander how many drivers in the A14 pilot chose to actually drive a different route and inadvertently skewed the results, given the "dangers" associated with Big Brother looking down? I would, not because I'd want to break the law, but because I'd rather be watching the road ahead and drive according to the road/traffic conditions, not staring into the speedo for fear of cameras.