it is a great speech, but brown and labour are in a position where they pretty much know they will not get in next time.....unless they can move the not working of their sofas
the one weapon they have is leave behind the biggest mess so when the torys take is mission impossible, short term memory lose means in 5 years time they could again be electable
the simple fact is the current system is not working, the elected seem to think because elected they can do what they want with no regard to what the public want, debated this with vic before and his answer was.....well can change it every 4-5 years........the last few have proved what can happen if power is given with no safety net, lets stop voting on parties but vote on issues, if you cant trust national referendum system then you dont trust Democracy
not all but certain key issues need a public vote, iraq war, over taxing fuel, green issues, speed cameras : ) are all done in the interest of the public but the public are not asked, the majority may not vote right but at least we can say it is our own fault, at moment feel like i can see the iceberg, know what ship i am on but got to wait a year before i shout "hard left