We have had 15 wasted years focussed on speed limits and their enforcement - and even you must admit the results have been very disappointing. Anyone else would say the results were a dismal failure.
And doing sod all about? - well I have devoted several pages of my magazine in recent months trying to get something done about safety in my village. I even proposed speed humps - I'll bet that will surprize you.
Why did I propose speed humps? Because we have an absolutely lethal pinch point on a blind bend at which we have had 5 accidents. But the council won't get rid of it because they are fixated by speed. So I've proposed speed humps instead. Not that they are actually necessary - speeds are low due to parked cars - but because that might be agreed to.
I am absolutely sick and tired of those that profess to be interested in safety but are simply interested in speed.
Have you actually looked at the documents I keep referring to? Somehow I think not - just not prepared to accept that years of fixation and prejudice are just that. The "don't confuse me with the facts" attitude yet again.
I suspect that itpro has - which is why he isn't actually prepared to address the issue.