Let's try to get something INTO your head.....
We'll do it in 'Janet and John' easy stages for you....
Exactly WHOM do you think REALLY suggests that Cameras ALONE are a BETTER system than using technology AND 'Coppers on the Beat' WITH those cameras? In case you are confused.... it certainly ISN'T ME!
Now.... try and stay with me here because it MIGHT get a bit complex for you. I'd sit down because the maths will make you head hurt..... You can't just use your fingers and TOES for this one....
How do you SUGGEST we get enough MONEY to P*A*Y for the extra Policeman we need to PUT in the same number of places WITH the cameras? I know you clearly BELIEVE in fairy-dust and father christmas but the TAX PAYERS of this country, DON'T!
Of course.... we COULD take police off other duties such as murder investigations, rape cases and terrorism but, I just get the SLIGHTEST suspicion that it could cause just a FEW problems if they did that.... I'll leave YOU to work out why!
So.... while it is actually fractionally 'profitable) (about �12m to �20m per yer), there would be ....err... substantial costs.... if we either replaced ALL the cameras with policemen or had policemen AND camera at the locations.
To make this just a FRACTION easier for you, I'll do the working FOR you.
Currently, there are about 6,000 cameras in the uk. To replace those or ADD a Policeman to them, the figures would be as follows:-
6,000 cameras, 3 shifts a day, 20% of the a policeman's working hours would be offically 'off' (holidays, training, sickness, etc.).... and the Average constable's pay is around �24,000. So..... that's a bill for your BRILLIANT suggestion of:-
.....ADDITIONAL cost per yer.....
That's HALF A BILLION POUND PER YEAR....... (of course.... in truth, the costs would be VASTLY HIGHER as we have NOT allowed for weekends, promotion, management, recruitment, HR etc.)
Of course..... it's NOT what you wanted AT ALL!
You did NOT want the Police to ADD those Police or even USE police to contro, speeding AT ALL.... you just wanted to be able to SPEED with impunity whereaver you WANTED and, to do that, we'd need to switch OFF the cameras.....
Guess what?
No chance... sonny!
While they continue to CATCH an PENALISE people like YOU.... they'll stay!
However..... we'll offer you a DEAL! You come up with a system that IS better (than cameras) and 99% of people like me will SUPPORT you and we'll also vote to REMOVE trhe CAMERAS, too!
The snag is the following. Your scheme has to WORK.... It has to pass the following tests:
Is it PRACTICAL (is it 'do-able with current technology, etc.) Is it AFFORDABLE (is it cheap enough to the point where the TAX PAYER will be WILLING to PAY for it)??? Is it ENFORCEABLE (will it be EFFECTIVE in punsihing drivers who SPEED and will it actually SLOW driving)??
Just show us a scheme that CAN do those things..... and also produce a BUDGET (even a simple, back-of-a-fag-packet type calculation) to INSTALL and RUN this system....
Now; you really are NOT an imbecile (!) and you are SO much cleverer than the REST of us (!) so it won't be a problem for YOU to manage THAT...... will it?
Come on! I am WAITING to support your 'idea'.......