I stated the reason behind the posting.... to show (once AGAIN) that the claim that 'Speed does NOT kill' is a mindless LIE!
Errr... where was the 'drink' involved in the Miss Woods case(as you seem to claim) or the Hayley Adamson case? I have not found a reference to alcohol as 'contributory' in either case (that does NOT mean there isn't, it may be that I am not AWARE of it in what I have read)
Secondly, where, ON THIS PLANET, have I suggested lowering the speed limit in a 30mph zone WOULD have prevented these innocent young women from dying? I do NOT know the road where Miss Adamson died so I cannot comment on it but I know the spot where Miss Woods died and 30mph is abour PERFECT for it. In both the quoted cases, the HIGHLY TRAINED drivers were VASTLY above the speed limit and the SAFETY limit. The numbers displayed on the signs would have made NO difference.... they drivers didn't give a DAMN about the limits, as.... like many of YOU lot... they IMAGINED they were CAPABLE of deciding the safe speed limit FOR THEMSELVES! They, and you, were NOT! The differnce is that these Police have been unfortunate enough to have that fact CONFIRMED!