Vic and TanglerTKM, you probably both guessed why i posted this, any party can "cherry pick" the bits of a green ideal to suit their party ideal and to some degree make it seem like common sense and then use that common sense to push their own policys under the green the umbrella, tax people, restrict people and in extreme persecute people
i would have more faith if any party, told me what they stand for, what their ideals are and ways to make them work, in simple terms a Manifesto............and stuck to them, you cant vote if what you voted for is changed after the vote with no safety net given the same voters the right to say "we never voted you in on these ideals"
if our football teams cant do that then it is more important to ask the voters to vote on ideals, if green issues were the top of the list of the voters then the green party would be in power,