It was a no win situation for the police. I watched some of the live footage on TV and the police kept very calm despite protesters 'egging' them on.
It was also frustrating that these same protesters wore masks and covered their faces, so naturally the police were nervous.
From what I saw, at times there could have been much more trouble but the police kept superb control of the situations shown on TV.
No matter what could have happened, if there had been a riot, the so called 'real' protesters would have complained that the police didn't do enough. As it was they kept the calm but now they are seen to be too heavy handed.
The press had hyped this march up stating that trouble was expected, when there are thousands of people gathered in 1 area it is virtually impossible to distinguish good from bad.
I am not a cop but I have to support them on this occasion. They are an easy target and an easy way for protesters to make political statements.
The Police were doing their job, controlling hooligans. Unlike the cop that sits in his Volvo T5 pointing a radar gun at law abidding people trying to make a living and getting fined for going 2/3/4 or 5 mph over the speed limit!!!!!
PS... Global warming.... did the dinosaurs drive 4x4's and thats why they are extinct???? I think it will take more than the rainbow peace ship to solve these problems..... what was the cause of the ice age???? Did someone forget to put the central heating on.
Wake up, its just another government excuse to tax us all!!!!!
I've had my rant and I need to go to get some diesel for my 5.4 ltr Dodge Ram TRUCK!!!! This is a Big Apple tractor not like the small Chelsea tractors.