If it helps your calculations, an Airbus 320 has around 150 to 170 seats, depending on configuration and uses around 2 metric tonnes per hour whilst in the cruise stage of flight. 1 metric tonne equals around 1200 litres of fuel, based on a specific gravity of 0.8. remember you are converting weight to fluid so will change dependant on tempreture. Normally if gallons are quoted regarding aviation then it will be US gallons which is at 3.8 litres per gallon not 4.54 as in a UK gallon Therefore 1 tonne equals around 315 US galls or 264 UK galls To get back to the original plot based on the Jumbo V london bus we can say that the Airbus does around 530 MPH (0.8 Mach) and will use 528 UK gallons per hour (cruise) virtually 1 mile per gallon, obviosly the Jumbo is much larger but I don't know the fuel burn figures for it