Just reading through some old threads, I posted on here a while ago I was having a hip replacement so missed a few weeks and just catching up.
As far as this thread goes I can't agree more with the campaign to allow ALL the Gurkhas to stay in this country once they have served for their contractual period,or in the case of injury ,premature discharge due to injury.
Having served alongside the Gurkhas in various theatres from the Falklands to jungle training in Belize I can put my hand on my heart and say you will never find a more loyal,courageous and respectful soldier,they will quite literally lay down their lives for this country with no second thought. And I feel sure I am not the only former Brit "squaddie" who feels the presence of these guy's is our reason for still being here !!!!
Some people would be surprised the respect even ranking Gurkhas give to lower rank Brit's, I remember once being called to see a WO 2 Gurung, as I entered his office ,as a lowly Corporal at the time, he stood up to attention and said in their uniquely accented English "Please ,Sir, sit" to which I replied "Excuse me Sir,with respect, I call you Sir,you don't call me Sir." his reply " Yes Sir I know Sir,please Sit". They love the Brits and I would rather have one Company of them to command than any other Regiment.
What truly amazes me is the UK Immigration people went to the home of the Gurkha Corporal killed last week to inform his widow and children they must return to Nepal,That even before the poor guy was "repatriated" to the UK ,which is happeneing today. Thankfully,they saw sense and this has now been retracted,pro temp I assume. Pity they aren't so quick to do the same to "illegals".
Joanna Lumley is doing a great job, I believe her father was an Officer in the Brigade of Gurkhas so she knows what they are like,and somewhere in the back of my mind I think her Father was also saved by the actions of one particular Gurkha.
Any of you guy's out there in promotion's ,want a little sideline, make up a car window sticker of crossed Kukri emblazoned " I ARE GHURKHARI " and sell them to show support,all proceeds to the fighting fund.
Sorry for the ramble guys,subject close to my heart.