It's simple!
There was NO logical reason to ban the mass damper. There was NO logical reason to ban it WHEN they did. However, now we KNOW that FIAt had BOUGHT the option to VETO ANYTHING in SECRET.... we can see ALL the logical reasons we need.
To be more specific, all that time ago, I (and many others) postulated that the rules were being RIGGED in favour of FIAt even though we had little EVIDENCE! Basically, many of us used the classic logic of:
'if it LOOKS like a Duck, WALKS like a Duck and QUACKS like a Duck, then it probably IS a DUCK"
What we NOW find was that it was NAMED in COURT as: "Anas Platyrhyncos" (the Mallard) and EVRYTHING now falls into place!
Look at the FACTS:
1) Nobody is DENYING that FIAt had a Veto! So CERTAIN is this claim that FIAt took the FIA to COURT to ENFORCE their secret Veto! This is NOT open for discussion: it's a plain FACT! 2) Only DAVID is saying that it was NOT secret; everybody ELSE says they did NOT know about it!
If FIAt never EXCERSIZED that Veto and/or never WANTED to use the Veto, why did FIAt/FIA AGREE it in the FIRST place??? And why has FIAt tried to ENFORCE it IN COURT???
This is a smoking GUN! This would be enough to CONVICT in a CIVIL COURT!
You may not LIKE the fact that we now have the EVIDENCE but that does NOT deny the evidence EXISTS. Sorry and all that!