is to vote for whom you believe will benifit YOU most. To paraphrase JFK, ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your Government can do for you. Unfortunately over the last 40 years or so Government has not been Parliment but the PM and a few select ministers. Government by dictact, backed up by MPs that have to follow the party line or face deselection. 'Professional' polititions. School, University reading politics and xxxxx (I hesitate to say econmonics), reserch assistant to an MP, then MP. Not done an honist days work in their lives.
This 'system' of party 'politics' has also filtered down to Country and District government. However the District lot have naf all money to do anything imaginative for the district as it has all been grabed back into central government as 'they' cannot stand it if someone does something 'good' for the district that is not sanction by the Cabinet. Maggie T started that along with 'budgit deficits' and 'Globalisation'. This lot has just taken it MUCH FURTHER.
Until recently I was that disillusioned by this system of 'Parlimentary democracy' that I was just not going to vote. Tory or labour, basically the same, LibDems even worse. However the recent revelations about our vastly underpaid MPs has set the cat amoungst the pigeons. Angry MPs fearfull of loosing their jobs are likely to do 'independant' things and this really frightens the top brass in the parties.
So vote for who you think will do you best. If that is UKIP, an independant or heaven forbid, BNP, do so. The Top brass WILL take notice. YOUR VOTE DOES COUNT.
Loads of spelling mistakes but to hot to bother. Rant over.