" The reason why they are incensed about the MP's frauds is becauase they can UNDERSTAND it... they can imagine the NUMBERS..... when it comes to the IMPORTANT stuff...... it just SAILS over their heads!
.... and people wonder why I am cynical about the British Public! "
... in other words this country is populated for the most part by uneducated morons ? Most countries are. We elected Blair because he seemed a nice guy and Michael Howard had 'something of the dark' about him. The Americans elected Dubya because John Kerry's wife had too much money.
But you morons have a duty !
Consider the alternatives... had we been taken over Hitler 65 years ago, we would have no 'THICK' people in this country. I wonder what kind of election we would be having now. OK... that's a little far fetched... so look at what the people in North Korea have to deal with TODAY ! I wonder how they vote.
Consider this. A vote is an amazing privilege. Don't abuse it. Don't waste it. Look at the options, read the manifestos and make a choice based on what you believe is best for Britain [not necessarily for you]. To do anything else [particularly not to vote] is to cast aside what those of YOUR ancestors have fought and died for over the years.
... and that's from an Irishman living in Britain ! albeit my great grandfather fought for the British Army during the First World War and was severly disabled as a result.