Who ever TOLD you that you were voting for IDEAS!
You are SUPPOSED to be voting for PEOPLE whom you TRUST (ha ha!) to make the RIGHT decison, even if it NOT the same decision as yours! This is N*O*T a vote for a Union DELEGATE! This is voting for a REPRESENTATIVE!
It stuns me how few people have even THOUGHT about this!
A 'Delegate' is a person who has been told to vote in a certain way on a certain matter. A 'Delegate's' job is to CARRY OUT YOUR INTRUCTIONS on the vote.
A 'Representative' is someone who is there to (supposedly) listen to the discussions and vote in the way which HE/SHE thinks is best! The idea is that you vote for a REPRESNTATIVE who YOU think has good judgement... even where that judgement is DIFFERENT than yours becasue they have spent more time LISENING to the argument!
The representative is like a Surgeon that you trust who is presented with a new 'complication' while you are under anaesthetic. What you 'DELEGATED' him to do before the Op. is shown to be WRONG in the light of what he finds! You have given HIM the power and you leave it to HIM to decide!
Try to see the DIFFERENCES between the two types: delgates and representatives.
Our gov't. IS not and SHOULD not be constructed of DELEGATES!
Put brutally, not ONE of us can has the TIME to consider the MASSIVE range of decisions which an MP is SUPPOSED to take and we pay them to make the choices which YOU didn't have the time or the mental abilities to UNDERSTAND!
We have got into this CHILDISH idea that the MPs are suppsed to do what '**I**' want them to do!
They are NOT!
It would be IMPOSSIBLE: just THINK about it! I might think my MP is BRILLAINT on defence but WRONG on speeding but I think defence is MORE important. You ALSO think defence is more important but you think he's RIGHT on speeding! We BOTH vote for him (because of 'defence') but what the HELL is he SUPPOSED to do about speeding when YOU want him 'delegated' one way and I want him 'delegeted' the OPPOSITE way!
Govt. by delgation C*A*N N*O*T W*O*R*K!
(Here endeth the next lesson!)