You now seem to want to be more rational.
Let's see......
You are aware (or should be) that the elections on Thursday are for Council and Euro E'seats'. Your view seems to be 'we can't trust politicians.
You advised people NOT to vote on Thursday so I am SURE you will be able to remind us WHICH of these high profile Politicians that have been vilified in the Telegraph and the 'rags' are the ones who will be STANDING on Thursday?
Secondly, you will SURELY be able to remind us why you propose NOT voting on the EuroElection which actually IS run to the more 'PR' basis than our 'National Elections' (for Westminster), which would appear to be (to idiots like me) very much IN LINE with what you seemed to be SUGGESTING we need to replace the Westminster system'....
Now, surely it CANNOT be a coincidence that you DIDN'T advise us not to vote during last year's elections for Councils and the City of London mayor, and that you haven't waited until the GENERAL election (this or next year) or made this suggestion during any BYE elections hich have occurred but have suggested 'not voting' EXACTLY at the time when the NON 'scandal' has been in the press!
Do me a favour and ASSURE me it's NOTHING to do with the 'Expenses Saga' and I will have MUCH more faith in your 'deeply felt and well thought out views'!