Sad to say this post actually appears to exist and it's not a spoof..I wonder how much the equalities Project MANAGER is getting paid? This issue is so vital, there's a whole team dedicated to it.
In the past I sometimes used to work on projects for local authorities as a private architectural consultant and had to deal with these sort of people. It drove me mad that there was often a talking shop of 8 people representing the "client", and as the private consultant it was actually down to me to do the real work and get things done. To make matters worse I knew I'd be on an hourly rate well below these people, as I'd had to submit a fee bid to get the job. They weren't really connected with the real world in terms of actually getting things done on a budget and to a realistic timetable, just in "setting targets" and "objectives" and "evaluating outcomes".
Needless to say I don't do much of this sort of work any's difficult to do a job under those circumstances and keep your sanity