thought flashed through my mind of Symonds on some witness protection scheme, changing his identity and being moved from safe house to safe house every other month!
Even if he acts as the scapegoat and ends up suggesting he acted alone, there is no way the FIA won't want to pursue this. It wasn't that long ago that Mosley was saying Briatorie was 'mad' when all that stuff was going on about a breakaway championship. So how sweet for him having survived himself if he manages to stick the knife in on one of his detractors and better stil, does it under the auspicies of the governing body.
Back to spy-gate and the fine imposed on McClaren, anything other than a similar punishment would be amazing. A McClaren member of staff walked then and Dennis went to also stave off further action but can you honesely see Fabio wanting to go or for that matter Renault who are much more of a commercial company in the public's eyes than McClaren - standing for this.