You seem to think these are not hardworking people who just want to hold their employer to a ransome so they can take it easy - they just want to point out that the modernisation plan ( whilst undoubtedly necessary to remain competitive) cannot be delivered ( no pun intended ) without the workforce being handed punitive working regimes. It is not just a case of if they won't do just get someone else in cos they will find they can't do it either. It was the same when hospital cleaning was privatised when I was a ward nurse - our ward cleaner who was part of my team was told she could keep her job as long as she did twice as much work , with poorer cleaning products in two thirds of the time - what happened ? a valued colleague who had been in the job 20 years decided she couldn't do the job well enough under those conditions and left . Agency workers were employed - a different one everyday -no pride in the job - no loyalty to the ward team - and a drop in cleanliness in the ward - a breeding ground for infection - and the ward manager unable to complain as we no longer directly employed the cleaners - and we wonder where MRSA comes from? Saved money? no doubt, but at what cost?