"Nice sentiments but those of us with sense can see that a more realistic solution is required "
I am delighted that you EXCLUDED yourself from that group who seem to hold veiled racist and sectarian thoughts as you only included those with SENSE in that group... clearly, you do NOT possess any!
If you DID, you'd think before you wrote. Let's SHOW you where your 'thought' has let you down:
You state that:-
"If they were allowed to think for themselves...."
What: you mean 'allowed to think for themselves' like BRITISH people was allowed to 'think for themselves' under the various persecutions of the Catholics, the Protestants, the Non-'Round-heads' (under Cromwell) and then the CATHOLICS AGAIN under William.... and SO on in OUR society? Are you suggestiung that WE failed to ESCAPE from that sort of stupidity because WE were not allowed to 'think for ourselves'.....? In ALL those cases, we were NOT allowed to 'think for ourselves'!
What: you mean 'allowed to think for themselves' for the FRENCH when during the Protestant massacres? Or the SPANISH during the Inquisition?
Or the German/Austrians under the Anabaptists?
Or the Jews when they came here?
Or the 'East African Asians' when THEY came here....
And SO ON!
In EVERY SINGLE ONE of those cases, people like the 'group' YOU suggested, said that those people could ALSO never 'learn our ways' 'because they were not allowed to think' ...... and they TOO were proved TOTALLY WRONG! So far, history proves that EVERY generation that is forced to think that 'X is TRUE' by a dictatorship still manages to over-throw the tyranical 'thought police' in the end! No matter HOW hard they are indoctrinated. No races on the PLANET have been forced to 'believe' the words of their Tyrant than the Maoist Chineses, the Nazi children and the Cambodians and ALL of those groups have ESCAPED (or are escaping) their tyrants!!!! And each group has managed it within 1 or 2 generations!
So far, the ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACE shows that each generation is able to THINK for THEMSELVES no matter WHAT society tries to indoctrinate them! The MAJORITY have ALWAYS seen that the choice of FREEDOM beats the MADNESS of sectarian/totalitarian upbringing! And that will CONTINUE to happen unless someone tries to FORCE them to abandon their views!
Learn a lesson, David! Those who will not LEARN from their history are condemned to REPEAT IT!
I am SO glad you excluded yourself from those daft and mindless veiled sectarian/racist views as, if I thought they WERE your views, I'd ask for your removal from this web site, immediately.