Ian...maybe its about time you took a little trip out of your cosy village, with its sharp bend outside your house, and its pretty little speed cameras. If you really believe that there is 'no problem'...then you are PART of the problem.
Go and spend some time in areas of the larger cities, and talk to the people there. You are right... people ARE changing....but who is changing who? See how many more Islamic Literature shops there are, how many HAlal food outlets. I live not too far away from a Halal Abbatoir...they have recently applied to open another..double the size...to meet the demand. You are so good at pointing out the lessons of history...but you are selective. You recently stated your fears of the emergence of an orator like Hitler, pushing BNP policies. You neglect to mention that Hitler did not persecute the Jews on his own...he had help. Lots of it. Other politicians of his time did exactly what you are doing...ignored the rumblings of dissent, the annoyance of the german people who felt that the Jews were taking all the top jobs, all the positions of power. Eventually the dam burst. Hitler was just the pin that punctured it...if it hadn't been him, it would still have happened, with someone else. Do you REALLY want history to repeat itself?
You frequently riducule N. Chamberlain for his 'appeasment' policies. Yet most of our politicians...and, it appears, you...are adopting the same policies when it comes to a threat from within. They are like the soldier armed to the teeth at the battlements, ignoring the dysentry behind him. You are so ready to invade another country to counter a percieved threat (Did they EVER find those WMD?), but can't see the slow trickle of invasion under your nose.
I never thought I would see you becoming so 'politically Correct'. Maybe Nulabour has finally converted you. How else would you explain ... "I am SO glad you excluded yourself from those daft and mindless veiled sectarian/racist views as, if I thought they WERE your views, I'd ask for your removal from this web site, immediately."
You want to GAG someone for having VIEWS???? Our previous home secretary (You know, the one with the 'personal' interpretation of how to spend public money) tried to do this with a certain Dutch politician. Gagging someone does NOT CHANGE their views...it just moves them on to a different, and possibly more fertile arena. I thought YOU were a DEFENDER of free speech...how wrong could I be.
You are also joining in with our 'esteemed' leaders in conflating 'race' with 'culture'. All too often, when anyone mentions restricting immigration, or reducing religious influence, someone pulls out the 'race' card. Everyone is too scared of 'causing offence'.
I know you are an intelligent man, Ian...I have a great deal of respect for your intellect, and knowledge. However, it seems that you may be insulated from the feelings of the people who 'move in different circles' to you....you know....the tabloid readers. Yes....I can see your lip curling already...we know your opinion of the 'great British Public'; but they ARE the public, no matter how poor their education. I know you will already be constructing your reply, with examples from history, quotes from the famous etc. Thats OK...you may have the last word. Hopefully though, afterward, you will also go and look...without the benefit of floral spectacles...at the real world.