Oh Doink... you a like a gift from heaven when you do this stuff!
You ask, how can I compare the Jews and the Muslims (on terrorism)!
It's simple: I bothered to listen to my teachers at school and then I bothered to READ something about HISTORY so that I WOULD understand my world better. You ought to have TRIED that, yourself.....
So... your homework for today is to read up about the following:
The King David Hotel The Stern and Irgun gangs Menachem Begin
So there is no confusion here, I am PRO-ISRAEL! I just have enough sense to undestand that they GOT their 'freedom' by kil1ing BRITISH SOLDIERS!
Finhally, I got to my VERY humble 'political postion' by being a member of the Bullingham Club, going to Eton and Oxford, etc.....
Err.... hold on..... no I didn't.... I got there by filling in a form and getting people to V*O*T*E for me! I don't remember bribing ANY of them and I seem to think they have voted for my 4 times, now...
Now... what stops YOU from doing the same but a BETTER job of it...... is it just a problem of you being able to write you NAME on the form? They tell me they will let you just sign your name with an 'X' so you MIGHT be able to do it after all.....
.... AS IF! You aren't going to do it because you'd have to get off your BACKSIDE and do some work FOR the community for FREE! And that AIN'T going to happen, is it!