You don't need to read itpro,s posts. It is easy to see what he has said by other peoples replies. It is also obvious what he is going to say from all his previous posts. They normally involve things such as, he can't have a conversation with you because you are stupid. This is usually based on things such as, you have a different opinion, or don't read the the correct newspaper, listen to the correct music, go to the opera etc. Basically, you don' t agree with the omniscient Itpro, therefore you must be an idiot. He also tries to belittle you with with phrases on the lines of, 'the problem with you', or says you assume things, all based on no evidence, except his feeling of superiority. He tries to intimidate people by shouting a lot and insulting them. This is not the writing of an intelligent open minded person. It is the writing of a condescending, arrogant bully. So please don't get angry over his mindless drivel. Just ignore it, safe in the knowledge that if he spoke to people, face to face, the same way he deems acceptable on this forum, he will have the s**t kicked out of him on a daily basis.