Good point, well put. Since discovering this forum, I have had a problem with the amount of personal insults, and lack of respect shown. I joined to learn about karting, and I thank all the people who have helped me in that. Unfortunately, I have a sense of justice, that makes it impossible for me to sit and watch people being bullied and abused. I think the first post after 'I snapped', was me shouting at Ian to stop shouting. Then when I had the 'red mist', I kept on pointlessly arguing. Your brief post has reminded me that this could never work. This just makes me another offender, and the problem worse. The only way to solve the problem is, as you say, to have rules. But if you have rules, then you have to enforce them. It may just be the nature of a forum, that makes it impossible to enforce the rules. Perhaps all forums end up just being egotists belittling people. Now I would like to say that I am going to stop. Just read the posts, and ignore it all. But I know I can't. I would just snap again later. So I will do what I should have done when I first found the forum. (As I'm sure many others have) Click the little cross in the top corner and leave. Best wishes to you all.