Doink i admire your stance but some pick and choose their battles, bit like online gaming they vanish when you are enjoying a battle...then find they are in the next room playing football and posting about it
reading all the posts tonite has made me giggle, most mps suffer from the same thing....3 bird defence, question you cant answer...
install Ostrich defence prog (kept head down until another issue comes up, assume expert status when it does), issue of the day used to cover the real issues
install, Peacock defence prog ( buff up your feathers so everyone can see you and use that to talk very loud on the subject of the day but tomorrow is a new day, so ignore yesterday)
install chicken policy...issues/posts come and go, answer the ones you like, ignore the ones you dont like, push the idea the fox is the big threat when really the chickens only need to fear themselfs
dredgewood gone, katie anytime any price will the public fill their time