do you suffer from devil's advocate syndrome, ian you are really only interested in peddling your subjective views, and if we don't agree to them than you like to patronise people. We have been here so many times before, you can throw in all the metaphors and similies you like but i have noticed a pattern in you only like to reply to posts that you feel you can demean with what you regard as an oh so superior intellect and life experience. It seems you revel in picking holes out of people's views on technicalities like spelling and grammar which you don't have has much command as you think you have. People are allowed an opinion whether you think it is flawed or not, they don't need to justify it by your means, and you aren't convincing anyone by your own. I notice you chose not to post when people challenge you to come up with facts as in a direct response as to when you challenge others to do the same. it seems cynicism has the better of you or just love to argue over a point you aren't really interested in, just for sake of it. You never did answer my question years ago of why if there is a speed limit of 70 mph we build cars that can do so much more. You pick and choose your arguments as to when it suits you to stir up confrontation. How are the grids at the end of your road and how is the speed limit in you precious village. Have you declared your expenses as a PARISH councillor, is it an elected position or a default like most of them where only one stands. I think you should become a magistrate, did you now its on a volunteer basis then you could really put the world to rights