I deleted my first reply to you. I'll now re-post a pared-down version:-
1) Don't expect respect for YOUR views when you have such a blatant disprespect for FACTS!
2) If you bothered simply checking ONE of your 'ideas' you might not make SO many errors. Try THIS one for size: You are surprised that the BBC (via Panorama) takes the role of EDUCATING the ill-informed. Had you read ANY FACTS about the BBC, you might just have noted that the original 'Director General' (Lord Rieth) stated the BBC's aims were as follows : "To educated, inform and entertain". If THAT was too much for you, perhaps you might have checked their CURRENT 'mission statement'. To save you even MORE effort in gaining knowledge, I'll copy and paste it for you:- "To enrich people's lives with programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain." I trust you'll note that, from the very FIRST day of inception, the BBC's PRIMARY aim has been to EDUCATE!!!! Panorama was doing E*X*A*C*T*L*Y what it is SUPPOSED to do! The fact that YOU misrepresented what they were doing is NOT THEIR FAULT! You'll also notice that 'to entertain' is the LAST objective of the BBC and has been for over EIGHTY YEARS! 3) I'll drink a Christmas toast to your comment that you will "learn something new every day". Let's hope you will continue in that aim.... I will do what I can in the role of TEACHER but even **I** have my limits!!!! May I suggest that you start by READING some proper reviews of the S*C*I*E*N*C*E behind global warming AND of Man's role in ADDING TO that Global Warming!
I wish you a happy and educative Christmas and New Year.