In the grand shceme of things it doesn't really matter where the bill cut of date is, although this cost you an extra tenner but next month it'll back to normal, but agree its not very good of them for not letting you know, for all they know that tenner could put you overdrawn, they'll obviously say they text you or sent you a letter of the change.
I looked at leaving orange not long ago and vodafone would of been my next choice until i heard of the shocking customer service reviews. I think i'll stay put with orange, I have 2 phones on my contract, mine and the girlfriends, i pay �15 + �6 insurance for 600mins and unlimited texts, her contract is �20 + �6 insurance for 200mins and unlimited texts, she told me she texted more than called hence the low mins, turns out she uses over 500mins a month so is a bit out of pocket, our contracts are up on the 13th april and she wants to cancel and go PAYG again, i rang orange to advise them to cancel HER contract in april and without anything else said they instantly said they would increase her mins to 1200 for no extra cost a month AND any phone she wanted apart from the iPhone if she reconsidered.
This is what i call customer service. I was allowed to upgrade in Jan but money dictates at the mo, cant wait till april, by then the nexus one will be here and the bravo so i might have to threaten to leave lol!