You have to understand that there are more than one type of British Psyche. One type LOATHES anything which might EDUCATE them and the thought that they might have to divert some of their money from beer, fags, gambling and other less savoury activities towards something of REAL value A*P*P*A*L*L*S them!
On the other hand, they FAIL to notice that there are some of us who prefer to spend OUR money on, for example, private education, private health care, PRIVATE transport (as opposed to PUBLIC transport) etc., etc. but would do ANYTHING on the planet to make those of us who DON'T use THOSE 'taxed' (public) services SUBSIDISE those who DO!
The principle being that anything THEY want to use should be paid for by ALL of us and anything they (would rather CLAIM) that they never use, should NOT be paid for for the benefit of the community.
Of course, the FAIRER view is that we should ALL pay for certain services which are a benefit to OTHER (many) people, REGARDLESS of whether we ever use them. So... I don't object to paying for STATE education THAT's the reason why, even though I WON'T use those services, I still don't object (too much) for paying taxes for something that **I** never use. But I am not like everyone else....