Oh you REALLY are funny, Alan......
I have clients with Memory sticks which they use on their Macs which, 'mysteriously', suddenly LOSE the data stored on them when viewed on the Macs which WROTE the data! The service that I do for a number of clients is to READ those sticks PERFECTLY from a PC (a WINDOWS PC, please note) when the Mac STILL can't see them!
The JOKE about more viruses on PCs is easy to explain..... so long as youy aren't wearing MacBlinkers!
1) The FIRST virus was written for a MAC and NOT a PC! 2) There are so FEW Macs compared to PCs that most 'malcontents' can't be BOTHERED to write a virus for such a MINORITY! They may as well write viruses for OTHER out-of-date soaftware like CPM, MSDos and Unix..... no one uses THEM, either! 3) Most things called PC Viruses don't actually DO anything nasty. 4) There are LOADS of Macs out there with similar 'non-nasty' viruses about which the user knows NOTHING becasue they don't bother to install anti-virus SOFTWARE which WOULD tell them they had a virus if the RAN the software. 5) You can forget Viruses if you simply walk off to Tescos and buy Norton Internet Sercurity 2009 for �24.99. This covers you for up to THREE Pcs. The saving you make by NOT buying a Mac would pay for about TWENTY FOUR COPIES of that program...... and if you share your Norton licence with three freinds who PAY for their share, then that would be SEVENTY TWO copies of the program.
As we said before, life is MUCH cheaper with a PC.....
If Rich is still reading this you'll note the Mac-brigade will tell you 'Microsoft, and all their works, are EVIL!!!'. The trick is to ask them: 'whose office software do YOU use on your Mac?'. (I'll give you a clue to their answer...... it's Microsoft Office!)