Ill throw my hat into the ring, having recently graduated with Engineering Bacholers and Masters degrees (in an Motorsport discipline might I add!).
I totally agree with the likes that say degrees have been de-valued because so many people have them nower days, but also have to agree that there are very few people undertaking 'Propper' degrees.
During my time at university it gauled me to see some peoples time tables and work loads compared to mine. One of my old housemates had SIX hours a WEEK! I spent vastly longer at University every DAY! But I am very much reaping the rewards now!
On the contary I know many people who undertook 'other' degrees whom in this day and age are currently finding it difficult to find work in ANY discipline, let alone something that they find their degrees of any use!
No my salary is not �40k per year straight out of University, but it is above average and given its my first job I am quite satisfied with that. On the plus side I do undertake work that I went to University to learn about, Motorsport! I work doing something I enjoy!
Engineering has changed my life considerably. I went into it largely because I like F1, cars and Karting and initially I found the Maths and the Physics VERY difficult. I struggled beyond belief and often considered dropping down to 'another' degree. I didn't, and I am very glad (now) that I chose to continue, grind and slow until eventually and as Ian (I think) said earlier on in the thread all of a suddern something clicked (I think when I started applying it as apposed to just pure maths!). From that point onwards I have never looked back, I question everything and try and work out how everything works! I do things in my spare time that are to do with what I do at work. At the moment I am in the stages of learning to build my own components in my back garden (home made castings, turning, milling etc...). Just because I can!
I have fallen on my feet I have to admit, plenty havn't! Then again plenty have, and I have found that the ones that have generally have for a reason: they are prepaired to put the work in, want to put the work in, enjoy their successes and dont throw their toys out of the pram when things do not go their way. The ones I have found that have not fallen quite so nicely on their feet are generally quite the contaray!
I would highly recomend undertaking an Engineering degree to anyone. I would just advise to ask yourself the questions, are you prepaired to put the work in? and do you want to put the work in? If so I have to say Engineering degrees should come with some form of health warning attached! There is ALOT of work involved, and most of it is FAR from straight forward. But they certainly sort the men from the boys!
With regards do you require Physics A-Level, the answer 'can be' no (from my experience). I went to University without Maths OE Physics A-Level. Instead I took a Foundation Diploma course that gave me the equivelent of both qualifications before I progressed onto the Bacholers degree. This is (or was) the case with Oxford Brookes University, I also applied (and was accepted) on similar courses at Kingston, Hertfordshire and Swansea. My advice is get a prospectus f4rom your desired University, go on an open day and decide which is the most suitable for you.