I HAVE addresses it.....
However, what YOU need to do is explain to me WHY I should pay more on MY insurance to 'spread the cost' to a group of drivers who have a VASTLY worse accident recond than MY 'group'! I already pay VASTLY too much in subsidy of 'your' group in that MY insurance premiums reflect the extra COST caused by kiddies crashing into MY group!
When you manage that, perhaps you'll also tell me how you propose to reduce the IDENTICAL discrimination against ME!
I want a new Lotus Evora.... I can't afford one..... and thus it's DISCIMINATION against me that such a GREAT car is too expensive for me.... I thus propose that we spread the cost of my new Evora amongst the REST of you..... because.... by YOUR logic.... it's discrimination against ME that I can't afford what I want!
Once you've managed those two, it won't be hard to extrapolate this 'anti-discrimination' to cover why 250 Superkarts cost more than Cadets..... and a season in F2 costing MORE than a season in ProKarts! In fact the list is almost INFINITE..... anywhere that one group pay more than another is, by YOUR logic, a 'discrimination'.
Yeah.... likely!