We agree on the logic... obviously.... you can't diasgree with LOGIC!
However, you are not right about all of it! It doesn't NEED public support nor acquiescencce to for a law WORK! The Drink Drive laws were, if anything, LESS well publicly supported than the new speed enforcement rules .... and yet... it changed society's view on drink driving!
However, there is a 'cure' for many of the problems with enforcement that you list:
1) Force drivers to display their licence in a 'windscreen pocket' (like the car tax) wshen driving. 2) Force insurance companies to 'split' the insurance premiums into 'the car' and 'the driver' (third party) segments. Then force the drivers to display their third party insurance cert. in a 'windscreen pocket'
..... and here's the big one......
3) Make each of these carry an 'RF' tag (or similar). They can then be 'read' by the police simply by using a road-side detector..........
That WOULD make a difference...... and would VASTLY reduce the premiums that those of us LEGAL drivers have to pay!
Then..... take the enforcement away from the police and PRIVATISE the system.......