Lets think about what you said .... you suggested everyone has the right to drive , ? which is wrong they don't
there was a time when people ate food before the car was invented , maybe school may have mentioned times like this ? you know history ?
they produced food locally .
And i tell you another thing , if you never ever drive i'll still get my food from round the world deliverd ,
the world would adapt accordingly .... and of the 5 friends who don't drive to work
1 lives in northampton and works in the city 1 lives in newark near nottingham and works in the city ?
humm starting to get the picture ? they don't live 2 minutes from the station thats 20 minutes to london .
I do ... but i drive , i paid the high premiums when i was young , i struggled to do it , i had a sierra cosworth ,aged 24 when things happened and the insurance rocketed to what was a stupid level , (SOMETHING LIKE 2.5K) and that was back in the early to mid 90's guess what i sold it
Like IT pro i have had cars with 500bhp per ton performance and insured them cheaply because i knew what to buy and how to insure it .
and for the record , i only use tesco express when there is nothing else open , other than that i wouldn't choose to shop in tesco's ..... you see life is all about choice