1) Testosterone. That and the fact that so few kiddies are taught the BASICS of life. The key one of which is:.... whatever you do... there WILL be 'consequences'. Action and REACTION. Too many of the young horrors have never had CONSISTENT discipline where they learn that, if they are WARNED that something will occur if they do 'xyz' and the parents have the SENSE to carry through the 'threat'!
Once a child learns THAT basic rule, most other things follow-on. It's not hard to learn from the example (e.g.): 'if you hit your sister, you will get a smack' and then to extrapolate that to: 'if you take a corner badly...... the ACCIDENT will HURT!'
Amongst many OTHER things, I blame computer games! They KEEP re-inforsing the concept that you can CRASH and then simply press 'reset'! Years spent with THAT attitude on a PC can't be wiped-out in 15 hour-long lessons!
2) Anyone can be trained if they have the IQ and the willingness to learn. I have to say, both my children have been exceptional drivers, so far. I suspect it's beacsue, throughout their lives, they have had Dad droning on about how to remain quick AND safe!
3) The abilities to drive fast on a track are NOT the same as the abilities to drive QUICKLY and SAFELY on the road! Firstly, not ONE of us races at 9/10ths .... we are all at the very LIMIT of the kart's and our abilities and are running at 10/10ths... or we are LAST! However, only a CRETIN drives at 10/10ths on the road!
I teach youngsters (and oldsters!) not to exceed 7/10ths but O*N*L*Y when FULL concentration is applied: i.e., no MUSIC, no CONVERSATION, no DISTRACTION......and DEFINITELY not when 'cruising' (mind not FULLY engaged) at more than 5/10ths!
And here endeth the lesson......