I'll be DELIGHTED to hear how you plan to 'differentiate' between the GOOD 17 year olds and the CR*P ones!
You might want to suggest a PROPER test...... but of course, I'll need you to explain how that won't ALSO prevent a large proportion of the public from VOTING-OUT the party who brings it IN becasue it has 'deprived our little Johnny' from the chance to drive his nice-Sound-System + Nova....'
Not only would a better test prevent many YOUNG people from passing but it will also 'ban' many OLDER people (including wives....). Older people are MUCH more likely to vote, and thus CHANGE their vote, and those are the ones of whom governments are scared!
Personally, I think only allowing the BEST 10% of ALL drivers on the road and thus BANNING the rest (including any of us OLD people who 'fail the cut'), would be a FABULOUS idea which would get MY vote...... but ONE vote against 41,999,999 is not SO likely to get 'my' party back in power.....