What an idiot you are, Tmoon!
The people, like you, who DON'T realise what we add in 'CO2' is SIGNIFICANT are the same sort of morons who believe in a flat-earth!
Just the loss of the 'North-Europe' planes has saved 12.5 MILLION TONS of C02 already! In 5 DAYS! Yes.... we all know that the volcano is pumping out MORE...... but those of us with ANY form of IQ realise that planes are NOT the only form of polution we produce nor do they the MAJORITY of 'hunan generated' 'CO2'. Nor are we THICK enough to not to realise that we do it 365 days per years for 150 years, which is just SLIGHTLY longer than this Volcano has lasted!
Finally, we also realise that it's NOT 'either-or'. The Volcanos will STILL produce 'CO2' whether we produce MORE or not. What WE produce ADDS to this amount, it does not REPLACE it! Nor is the amount INSIGNIFICANT!
The question you ought to be asking yourself (but as you are incapable of 'thought', that would be tough!) is:
....Why is it that it's a HANDFUL of 'scientists', a few IGNORANT journalists and the expected knuckle-dragging Mail/Sun/Express readers who DON'T think we are PARTIALLY responsible for the damage? And who are on the OTHER side: the VST MAJORITY of scientists who HAVE studied the subjects and those of us who have BOTHERED to R*E*A*D about the FACTS..... not the stuff written in COMICS! You know, those of us who DON'T move our lips when reading...... Ahhhh.... perhaps you DON'T know people like that.....