1) Gordon has had 13 YEARS to get the country the way HE wanted...... why is it he's now coming up with 'ideas' only a 10 days before he is EJECTED? If changing to PR, elected House of Lords, etc., etc., are SUCH good ideas then why the HELL hasn't he done them ALREADY?
2) Wasn't he the man who said: 'I've ended the boom and bust cycle'...... just before we WENT bust?
3) Remind me, who WAS it who was in CHARGE of the economy when the 'bust' came?
4) Who was it who STOLE the money from pension funds starting in the late 1990s and has thus been the CAUSE of the failures to meet the final figures (you'll find it WAS Gordon)?
5) Who WAS it who removed the controls on Banks and Bankers in the late 1990s which is EXACTLY what CAUSED our current D*I*S*A*S*T*E*R?
Finally, as an 'old man', I have seen a few 'recessions' in my time. Everyone will tell you this is the BIGGEST one that has happened since the 1920s. However, the DAMAGE to society has been MINOR.... so far.... compared to ANY of the ones I have seen previously...... now..... why IS that??? If it's SO bad, why has there been SO little painh compared to previuous recessions? It's simple, it's because Gordon has been BORROWING money to DISGUISE the extent of the recession BEFORE the election. He has also been PRINTING MONEY for the same purpose. Even YOU must be able to see that we CANNOT continue to do those things FOR EVER! Thus.... the end of the CHEATING is about to hit us .... and you will REALLY see what a recession is like no matter whether David, Gordon or Nick gets in! Be prepared.... try to get EVERYTHING off your credit cards, overdrafts or any OTHER borrowing method that you can...... it's going to get VERY expensive and VERY nasty for at least FIVE years if not TEN!
We already have TWO AND A HALF MILLION unemployed: if this recession is as bad as we are told, once we stop borrowing/printing money......do NOT be surprised to see that rise to FIVE MILLION and/or HIGHER!
It's going to get V*E*R*Y nasty...... or we are being lied-to yet AGAIN!